Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Well he did!

Had my 36 week doctors appointment yesterday and while they didn't do an internal exam the nurse practitioner confirmed that all my symptoms seem to indicate that he has dropped into position.

However, she is totally anti-alarmist and doesn't think it is necessary to determine his position or do an internal exam for at least another week. So I'm still worrying about possible breech/transverse scenarios and wondering if I've already dilated a bit.

Along with the obvious belly drop, dropping into position also sometimes means hip and back pain. Since I'm already predisposed for these things, it was no surprise when I woke up barely able to move today. Thankfully, Corey got me a heating pad before leaving for work and I stumbled to a hot shower a few hours later.

I really hope the weather clears up so I can take some walks this week, that always seems to help with hip pain.

This weekend is my 30th birthday (!). My wonderful mother is coming down to help me celebrate and get ready for baby. We keep joking that she'll get home to Philadelphia just to have to turn around and come right back :)

I'll take a picture this weekend and post more after my next doctors appointment (which I think will be next Thursday). Clark will be full term by then, but I've told him he is not allowed to come out until at least the 15th so he isn't too close to Karryssa's birthday (April 5th).

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Getting closer!

So no news is good news right?   Nothing new has really changed between last week and this week.  I'm pretty sure that the baby has "dropped" into position since this picture was taken on Saturday.  I'll take another picture this weekend and we'll compare them side-by-side next time I update.
I'll be honest here, I'm pretty sure Clark is going to make his debut before his due date.  Next week I'll also set up a "betting" pool where people can guess when he'll be born, his weight, length, eye color, etc.  Winner gets bragging rights :)

Oh and today I'm officially 35/35 which means I am 35 weeks along and I have (maybe) 35 days left!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

32 and 33 weeks!

Two for one today! 

So as many of you know, last weekend we had a special trip to the Labor & Delivery (L&D) unit of our hospital.  Starting last Friday night, I was REALLY uncomfortable, had some back pain, and was having braxton hicks contractions.  The BH contractions weren't getting any closer together and they felt sort of sporadic, so I just went to bed early and didn't worry.  Saturday, the BH contractions woke me up early and then they started coming every 5 minutes even though I was drinking water and just sitting at the computer.  I called the doctor and she said that I should lay down for an hour and if they don't go away I should come in.
Well. I don't do "relaxing" very well.  We happened to have our hospital tour that morning so I figured I'd go to that and if they didn't stop I'd just, well, stay.  Of course, after the tour I was very hungry and I was afraid they wouldn't let me eat if they admitted me so I decided to go home and grab some lunch.  I felt a little better after lunch, so I decided to go to work.

Mistake #568.  The contractions starting hurting while I was at work, so I went over to L&D where I was admitted right away and hooked up to all kinds cool equipment.  I laid there for an hour and wouldn't you know it? The contractions went away :)

I guess I should listen to my doctor...

Anyway, they checked my cervix and swabbed for labor hormone secretion and told me I was safe to go home but needed to take it easy and drink TONS of water. So I'm up to about 100 ounces a day and trying to spend at least 50% of my day off my feet. 

Labor progress:  I'm feeling better and the BH contractions are very few and far between now.  I'm having some back pain but nothing serious. I still don't think he's "dropped" and I'm not even sure what position he's in these days. My next appointment is on Wed and I'm hoping she'll let me know if he's breech (which I have a feeling he is, booo).

Nursery progress: We got in the recliner! It is so awesome but I think I've missed the stage where sleeping in it was necessary. Oh well.  We cleaned and painted the closet and installed some basic wire shelving.  We got in the changing station (dresser) and I washed and folded all the cloth diapers.  We also hung the valance.  All that is left is to get an organizing whatsit from Ikea and hang up the decor.  Soon I'll have a picture, but since it is so close, I'm going to wait for the BIG REVEAL :)

Life progress: I am wrapping up experiment 1 of my 6 experiment dissertation in the next few weeks.  It should wrap up by the first week in April, giving me about 3 weeks to relax before the baby arrives.  We've also been working on organizing and cleaning the rest of our house and I think we're almost done decorating the living room. I'll post pictures of that here, too.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm back!

I know it has been a long time since I've updated, but boy has a lot happened!                                                                                                  
So first I got sick :( Boooo! There's nothing worse than a sinus infection while pregnant.  You can't take any decongestant and you are already fatigued as it is.  

Next, Corey and I drove up to Philadelphia for our baby shower!  12+ hours in a car while pregnant and sick is definitely a terrible experience!!  But we made it and it was great! My mom and sister did a fabulous job hosting the shower.  The food was fantastic and my sister did a great job decorating.  My family and friends were so generous!  We seriously want for nothing.  None of the pictures turned out well, a photographer my husband is not :(  This is the best one.  This is my mom, me, my grandmom, and my sister.  Of course, my eyes are barely open and the pic is blurry, but its all I have.

Also, we were able to meet up with our wedding photographer (the great Laura Novak) and had some maternity pictures taken.  I'm not sure how long this link will be active, but check out a slide show here.  She kept telling us not to smile, but I like the smiley ones better :)

THEN Corey and I went to the mountains to party with some friends.  We had a really great time and I was really happy to be able to do that before the baby comes.  It was also Corey's 32nd birthday!  So I was happy he could really party it up and I could still go to bed early :)

Mommy's Stats:
How far along?: 32 weeks
Weight gain/loss: as of my appt two weeks ago I was +16 lbs.  My next appt is tomorrow, so we'll see!  
 Symptoms:  just good and bad comfortable days, itchy and dry skin, dehydrated, sleeplessness, and my feet hurt (but no swelling so far).  Oh and FATIGUE! 
Maternity clothes?: Everything!  Well, I suppose a few shirts still fit, but they are getting pretty short
Stretch marks?: love you genetics (thanks mom!)...still a negative!
Sleep: It had really improved....until last night. I was up 5x to pee. booo
Best moment this week:  Partying with my friends (one last time :)
Food cravings: Not really.  I still can't get enough fruit, but that isn't much different than before pregnancy.
Belly button in or out?: Mostly flat

Movement?: Massive amounts.  body parts are flying everywhere

Signs of Labor: Thankfully nothing.
What I miss?: BEER!  Seriously, the last two nights I've been drooling over Black & Tan Yuengling.
What I'm looking forward to:  Maternity leave. I don't really get maternity leave, but I want a few days home without going anywhere.
Weekly Wisdom:  Did you know pregnant women sometimes pee themselves?  I live in constant fear of this happening to me, so I'm spreading the word that this is normal b/c prior to getting pregnant I didn't know about this.
Weekly WTF: how in the world am I going to carry him around for 8 more weeks?! I feel huge and tired already!
Milestones: No big ones this week! The baby shower and maternity shots might count though!